Over The Hill

18 October 2022

On the first Tuesday of every month we will run a special session only for over-18s. This is to allow parents to enjoy dry-slope skiing rather than standing at the bottom of the slope getting cold!

The session will run at the same time and at the same cost as our normal Tuesdays (6:30 – 7:30, £11).

For this session only, you do not need to be a member, but you do need to have a family member in the club.

You do need to be able to use the lift and ski from the top of the slope to participate.

Sessions will be tailored to the needs of those skiing at the time, but we would aim to have gates or stubbies up for (our) entertainment. You will need a helmet and gloves — we do have a small supply of helmets. It is not necessary, at least to start with, to have race protection (leg guards, back protector etc). As you progress we can advise, and again we have a small stock to use.

Please book in the same way that you would book a normal Tuesday session.